Queen of Uncool
Queen of Uncool is a London born & based, multi-disciplinary artist who believes that music is the superior form of communicating emotions and feels this is her first language.
A graduate of the painting degree course at University of the Arts, London, QOU*s primary visual medium is large scale, colourful, abstract paintings. However living in a city where it mostly rains and space is hard to come by, QOU* readily turns her hand to any form of creative expression available to her, as a means to document and enhance her experiences of life.
Known for her very direct style of communication, the uninitiated observer can feel confronted or overwhelmed when viewing her more personal artworks. QOU* does not hide her experiences of trauma, preferring to channel these emotions into her art as a catharsis and in the hope that others can connect or relate in some way.
QOU* experiences the world around her with extreme sensory sensitivity and this is reflected in her work, whether it's bright bold colour, creating with light, experimenting with sensation or immersive installation and videos, QOU*s strong identity means that whatever format is chosen, her work can be recognised as hers, reflecting the depth and diversity of her personality, knowledge and taste.
QOU* currently 'exhibits' her music through live gigs, while continuing to make art as part of daily life as a Natural Born Artist.
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Queen of Uncool
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